Hannah – Developmental Disabilities – Continuing progress
Hannah, 3-yo, was born with dysgenesis (thinning) of the corpus callosum (DCC). The CC is the band of nerves between the brain’s left and right hemispheres. DCC causes developmental disabilities. The attending pediatrician rated Hannah’s gross motor skills at 8-mo*.
Per Mom, baseline symptoms included non-verbal, limited eye contact, not sleeping through the night, and staring at her left hand.
We curated the literature, consulted three cell therapy key opinion leaders who confirmed mechanisms of potential effectiveness of an ADRC-based treatment. Along with a literature review, the attending physician also established safety of using Mom’s ADRCs with a pediatric oncologist.
On Feb 15, 2022, Hannah received ~50 million of her Mother’s ADRCs through IV. Mom is keeping a daily journal. Improvements include:
- First audible words, “mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy”
- Excellent eye contact
- Sleeping through the night
- Exceptional improvement in walking. No longer stroller dependent
- Almost clapping,
- Trying so hard to form words, etc.
At six weeks: Today when we were touring the Roman theater in Cartagena Hannah was fussing but I was trying to talk to the other kids. All of a sudden she reached and grabbed my face with her hand and pushed it towards hers so that I would look at her. She tries to touch the keys when she sees us typing on a computer.
At 3 months:
Mom: Hannah is doing sooo good! Thank you so much! Excellent eye contact, almost clapping, trying sooo hard to form words, etc.
Dad: Hannah walked over a mile yesterday, stayed engaged over face time.